Monday, November 17, 2008

John 18:36

The human condition
should not be defined by isolationism – rather: fellowship.
Not hyper-individuality, but community.
Not self-reliance, but involvement.
Not exclusivism, but magnanimity.
Not reductionism, but complexity.
Not power, but pardon.

An Intersection.

What lies at the intersection of orthopraxy, the economy of communion and the body?

I Peter 2:9

Deep scars of racism defile the institutional body of Christ. In this light, the premature call for a post-race perspective threatens to aggravate open and bleeding wounds; not only does this injunction originate in a position of privilege, but its deceivingly tolerant appeal to homogeneity merely solidifies gaping socio-economic disparities. If racism embodies the tenuous confluence of power and prejudice, then we must neutralize the former through radical human transformation of systemic hierarchization and work through the latter with the power of God’s heart-edifying grace.

Die absolute Popularität der Bibel.

In his politico-historical essay “Die Christenheit oder Europa” (1799), Novalis execrates the Protestant Reformation for its orthodox return to sola scriptura. This fetishistic attachment to the text, he argues, results in a crudely abstract scheme of religion, devoid of any theological creativity, liturgical mysticism or cultural sediment. Perhaps faith is more than a bare skeleton of dead letters.